Heila – a local food market and
a delicious place to stop in Heinola
Heila is an attractive stopover on the E75 motorway in Heinola. It offers memorable experiences with genuine Finnish flavours and a wide range of shopping facilities. Stretching over more than 500m², Heila accommodates an excellent local food market, a service counter, the Hilpeä craft beer shop, and products from over 250 small-scale producers, along with the Heila restaurant & cafeteria. Visitors will also be pleased to find a spacious car park, and tidy toilets and baby care facilities.
Over 250 small-scale producers supply the food market with Finnish jams, preserves, cheeses, juice, vegetables, bakery products, honey, handicrafts, gifts and much more. Heila’s service counter sells high quality beef, guaranteed for freshness, seasonal fish products and takeaway meals. We know each one of our producers, so you can discover the precise origin of the food.
Local small-scale producers, artisans and other craft makers keep the Heila shop well stocked with personal and beautiful gifts and items for home decor. All of our products are made in Finland, and our diverse range of products includes natural beauty products, sauna products, kitchen utensils, small furniture, sweets, Finnish handicrafts and much more.
Heila’s specialities include a private vineyard and a small brewery. The wine shop sells Pihamaa’s prize-winning farm wines and sparkling wines, as well as Sahti farmhouse ale, brewed locally in Heila. Our service personnel are happy to give recommendations on how to serve our Finnish berry and fruit wines. The Hilpeä craft beer shop stocks hundreds of craft beers and ciders from small Finnish breweries that are bound to delight beer lovers.
Travellers are welcome to stop in for some fresh special coffee from the micro-roastery, along with other delights and genuine tastes from the bakery and local food restaurant. Lunch at Heila is served on weekdays from 11 am to 3 pm and recommended seasonal delights are available all day long. For those craving a snack, we recommend filled sandwich rolls or freshly baked cinnamon rolls, pies, or a slice of Finnish archipelago bread or ‘saaristolaisleipä’ with local egg cheese, for instance. You can also buy sweet and savoury pastries and bread to go from the Heila cafeteria and restaurant. Catering for groups is available by special order. For enquiries, please send an email to

Contact information
35 km from Lahti
140 km from Helsinki
177 km from Tampere
250 km from Kuopio
Heila Local Food Market
Työmiehentie 35, FI-18200 Heinola
(off the E75 motorway at junction 24)
Tel. +358 10 239 2399
We are open all year round
Mon–Thu 10 am– 6 pm
Fri 10 am– 7 pm
Sat 10 am– 4 pm
Sun 11 am– 6 pm
During summer (until 14 August 2022)
Mon–Fri 10 am–7 pm
Sat 10 am–4 pm
Sun 11 am–7 pm